Venom Costume
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Childhood is often overlooked, being bullied, so others will have the feeling of distrust. Internship as a reporter for Global Times, venom because the chance of a serial murderers and those who eat sin (Sin-Eater, real name is Stan Ivory) contact out ahead, Emile mistake informer Greg as a suspect, while the real criminals caught by Spider-Man, because the wrong source of information and lost his job, but also discredited after his marriage, his career is over, he will complete his misfortune blamed Spider-Man. When Spider-Man using the church to get rid of the alien giant bell parasitic body after praying at the altar under Eddie Brock became the new host, which is the venom, parasitic body attachment and hatred in his body, in order to find out his revenge Spider-Man's true identity is Peter Benjamin Parker (Peter Parker). When Eddie get rid of it until later, are left only with a cancer-ridden shell only.

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