In "Spider-Man 3", regained his girlfriend and lost it, good old brothers against each other, killing his uncle's killer go unpunished ...... Peter ? Parker finally broke out, black spider jumped out, precisely dressed in black Spiderman jumped out, because only wear black spider suit, Spider-Man dare to do what he wanted to do, but usually do not dare do not want to do: Gwen and enchanting dance; agile way to Tove (horn Daily photojournalist Peter Parker ? colleagues) and broke his camera; justly find sand vengeance, though later Mei Yi said that we should not be tolerant of hatred, but a meal with impunity fist hit the enemy who has how a cool Zile? Daily mean of the horn to the editor demanding legitimate demands put forward, when Peter Parker ? Alice his legs on the table and stroked a stroke in front of the hair, said: "If you want pictures? Take formal working to change." - Has always been cocky editor dumbfounded.